Same Day Delivery Available for all Orders Placed Before 1pm
This bouquet is a showcase of the freshest white flowers currently in season, combined with premium roses and fresh foliage. This style bouquet is a popular choice for Sympathy gifting.
If you wish to incorporate a feature colour (eg. Pastel blue, pink) please put your request in the notes at the checkout page and we will do our best to accommodate your request!
Phalaenopsis Orchids included in Luxe & Extravagant sizes.
The photos are representative of the size, shape and colour palette, the types of flowers used in the bouquet will change as the seasons change.
* Six bouquet sizes available (photo displayed is a “Luxe” sized bouquet)
* Please note that fresh flower deliveries to the hospitals require a vase, you can add this to any size order.
* Complimentary gift wrapping and premium ribbon
* Note card included, or upgrade to a premium gift card
You will be prompted to write your gift card message at the checkout
Delivery Note: If no one is home to accept the bouquet, we will leave it in a safe spot near the entrance if we feel it’s safe to do so. If this is not possible, we will contact the sender to arrange an alternative time/location to deliver the bouquet. This will incur an additional delivery fee.
23 663 094 246